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Name Origins


Updated: Jan 9, 2020

What's in a name? The names for various trails and places on the Greenway were chosen for their historical and humorous values and appropriateness.

Beginning at the northern most access point is Suli Marsh. Suli means buzzard in the Cherokee language, and these large birds are often seen gliding over the wet-lands there.

The Morris Trace, running one mile south to Big Bear Park, is named for Giddeon Morris, owner of an Indian reservation on the east side of the river near town bridge. He was married to a niece of Yunaguska, Chief of Nickwasi, an early Cherokee town at Franklin.

Big Bear Park was originally called Yanegwa (big bear), but somehow “big bear” took hold so it's now known by its English name. Yanegwa was the name given to a fictional character in an early novel that took place in Macon County, written by Robert Strange, a local judge.

Frog Quarters...somehow it seemed appropriate to call the business office of the Friends of The Greenway by this name when we opened shop in 2004. Though The Lily Pad was considered. Beginning January 2 nd our winter hours will prevail: Sundays 1 to 5 and Monday through Saturdays 8 am to 4 pm.

Wood Frog Pond is the 1st of the four vernal ponds on the Greenway, and is located near the beginning of Old Airport Trail. Wood Frogs (Rana sylvatica) were the first specie of frogs to lay eggs in the new pond last spring. We hope next spring will be wetter and thereby give other species a chance to use the ponds.

Old Airport Trail encompasses the runway area of an early Franklin airport that served the town in the first half of the 20 th century. As it ran next to a wetland, we're told that it wasn't safe to land after heavy rains!

Salali (squirrel) Lane, off Highlands Road, is a good place to park and observe these ubiqutious creatures, especially around the second vernal pond named (what else?) Salali Pond.

Tassee Bridge and Tassee Park are named after an Indian village that was located near the confluences of the Little Tennessee and the Cullasaja Rivers.

Tallulah Falls Railroad Trail follows the path of a former railroad line that connected Franklin with Cornelia, Georgia . As there wasn't room on Depot street for the engine to turn around for the return trip, it had to be turned south of town and backed into the depot.

Just beyond the railroad cut sits Nickajack Bridge, a steel truss one-lane bridge that once spanned the Cullasaja in the Nickajack community. The meaning of the name is obscure. Traders Path is on the site of an old trading post where the English came to meet with the local Indians and trade for their wonderful deer skins. The skins were used in the making of aprons, book bindings and shoes in England.

We wanted to honor William Bartram for his early exploration of the area for its flora and fauna. The meadow area between Nickajack and Nonah Bridges is called Poc Poggy's Meadow, a name given to the explorer by his Cherokee friends. Haven't a clue as to what it means.

Nonah Bridge reflects the Indian name for an evergreen tree or spruce.

Tartan Trail honors our Scotch-Irish settlers. A second railroad cut goes through this section.

Walasi Trail runs from the junction of the Little Tennessee River and Cartoogachaye Creek uphill and down to the area behind the new library and Southwestern Community College. Walasi means frog in Cherokee, and many can be heard after a spring rain chorusing to each other along this stretch of trail.


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Friends of the Greenway -- FROG Quarters
573 E. Main Street, Franklin, NC 28734

828 - 369 - 8488

 Tax ID: 03-0432071

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