The Friends of the Greenway, Inc. (FROGS), a 501(c)3 corporation, is passionate about
the Greenway, running thru Macon County and along the river. It is an asset to both the
County and the Town. As we all know, it’s a beautiful area in need of preserving for
years to come.
What is needed to sustain our organization in its pursuit of a vibrant Greenway? It is the
willingness of individuals and local businesses to support us.
We receive no direct funding from the County or Town, although at times they help with
bigger projects that cannot be accomplished by our group of volunteers. We have
restored and now maintain the Butterfly Garden, procured donations for new signage
along the trail, and partnered with the Franklin Bird Club in adding and maintaining
birdhouses along the Greenway. To keep our doors open and to keep these and new
projects moving forward, we need your help.
There are several levels of support to choose from. Please review the options on the
attached chart. Selecting to provide sustaining support will allow FROG to recognize
you at every event planned during the year and to utilize your support in areas of
greatest need. A donation form is also provided for your convenience.
Each year the FROG Board establishes goals for the year. These are shared on our
Facebook page (Friends of the Greenway, Inc.) and by email to all who have provided
one to us.
Our future plans, on sharing with all who travel the Greenway, the history and historical
significance of the area along the trail is beginning to take shape. All we need is your
support to make things happen.
Won’t you be a part of our quest?
Friends of the Greenway Board

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
--Joh Muir, naturalist, 1918
FROG Quarters
573 East Main Street Franklin, NC 28734 828-369-8488